At H M Senior Secondary School (HMSSS), the health and care of our children is our prime concern. To ensure the well-being of our students, we have established a well-equipped Medical Room that is led by an experienced and qualified MBBS doctor, who is assisted by a trained nurse.

Emergency Response and Medical Care
The dedicated medical team is ready to handle any medical emergencies and provide prompt assistance during any situation that arises during school hours. Their quick response and professional expertise ensure that our students receive the necessary care and attention when faced with health-related issues.

Preventive Health Measures
In addition to addressing immediate medical needs, the Medical Room team also conducts frequent health check-ups and workshops to inculcate the importance of hygiene and health among our students. These proactive measures help in promoting a culture of preventive healthcare and foster healthy habits in our young learners.

Comprehensive Health Records
The Medical Room team maintains comprehensive health records for all the students enrolled at HMSSS. This meticulous documentation allows for the effective monitoring of each student’s well-being and ensures that their medical history is readily available for reference and follow-up, if required.

A Caring Environment
The Medical Room at HMSSS is designed to provide a comfortable and nurturing environment for our students. The team’s empathetic approach, coupled with the well-equipped facility, creates a space where students can feel safe, cared for, and attended to during times of illness or injury.

By prioritizing the health and well-being of our students, HMSSS demonstrates its commitment to fostering a holistic educational experience. The Medical Room serves as a testament to our dedication to ensuring the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of our young learners, empowering them to thrive in their academic and personal pursuits.