At H M Senior Secondary School, we are dedicated to nurturing the holistic development of our students. Our specialized facilities cater to diverse needs and interests, fostering personal growth, creativity, and overall well-being.

Counselor Room

A serene space that promotes emotional well-being through one-on-one and group counseling sessions. Equipped with therapeutic tools and a calming ambiance.

View Counselor Room »

Medical Room

Ensuring prompt medical care and prioritizing student health. Overseen by qualified medical professionals, conducting regular checkups and health awareness initiatives.

View Medical Room »

Music and Dance Room

Dedicated spaces for artistic expression, outfitted with instruments, recording equipment, and dance floors to explore talents and collaborate on performances.

View Music and Dance Room »

Robotics/Atal Tinkering Lab

A cutting-edge lab fostering creativity, problem-solving, and scientific temperament through hands-on robotics projects, coding, and experimentation with interactive tools.

View Atal Tinkering Lab »

These specialized facilities provide a nurturing environment that supports the diverse needs and aspirations of our students, enabling them to thrive academically, emotionally, and creatively.